Giselle Chin

Giselle Chin
B.Sc. (Med. Phys.), M.Sc., J.D.

Associate | Lawyer, Patent Agent and Trademark Agent

Giselle is an intellectual property lawyer, regularly assisting clients in preparing and prosecuting patent and trademark applications in Canada and the US, and in developing holistic IP strategies.

Giselle has extensive experience in the areas of medical imaging, mechanical devices, e-commerce, artificial intelligence, and green technology. A big supporter of innovation, Giselle has worked with both foreign and domestic patent offices to help Canadian clients to obtain patents in Canada, United States, Europe, and Asia.

In addition to patent and trademark applications, Giselle provides opinions on patentability, infringement, validity and freedom-to-operate issues. She also represents clients in drafting complex IP licenses and agreements.

Prior to law school, Giselle obtained degrees in Medical Physics and Economics. In her downtime, Giselle is an avid theatre buff and marathoner.


Barrister and Solicitor, Law Society of Ontario, 2014
Registered Canadian Patent Agent, 2018
Registered Canadian Trademark Agent, 2019
Registered United States Patent Agent, 2019


University of Toronto, J.D., 2013
London School of Economics and Political Science, M.Sc. (Regulation), 2010
McMaster University, B.Sc. (Medical and Health Physics), 2009
Renewable Energy Certificate, University of Toronto School of Continuing Studies (Current)